Red shift: A measure of the recessional speed of a galaxy


  • Dr. Shobha Lal Professor of Mathematics and Computing & Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University, Jaipur, India


The observations are very essential: any good theory of cosmology should not only to be based on the latest observations, but also should conform to any new set of observational acts that may be known in future. It is precisely on this line that the attempts have so far been made to build cosmological theories, but only with marginal success. Various models of cosmology have been built by the authors under various assumptions. But none of these models can be singled out as an ideal one. Each appears to be vulnerable to drawbacks when tested with observational results. Not only  that, observations themselves have not yet come to the level on the basis of which a final conclusion can be drawn this is particularly true in the case of object at very great distances. Evidently, it sis these objects that can provide basis for discrimination between the merits of the different models. But since these distant objects are very faint, not only, that uncertainties creep in the results, but also that the correct interpretation of the observations become increasingly difficult with distance

Key words: Red shift, Tim dilution, Cosmology, Red giant., Space Energy, Red giant




How to Cite

Lal, D. S. (2017). Red shift: A measure of the recessional speed of a galaxy. International Journal of Engineering Science and Generic Research, 3(6). Retrieved from


